THE 360° specialist in immigration-law.

Welcome at Scheers Advocatuur (Scheers Advocacy)

Scheers Advocatuur (Scheers Advocacy) is the 360°-specialist in immigration-law and in penalty (fines) proceedings under the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Wet arbeid vreemdelingen, Wav). With more than 20 years of experience with the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), the Court and as a specialized lawyer, Scheers Advocatuur has specific and extensive knowledge and network. These fields of expertise, that are continuously and strongly developing, get the full attention. With this knowledge, experience and contacts, Scheers Advocatuur has a proven reputation of being successful for its clients in advising and assisting in procedures.

Kantoor Amstelgebouw

Specialist areas

Permit to work

Family reunification

Fines Illegal Employment Netherlands Labour Authority

Permanent residency

Short stay Visa

European (EU) Law


Office holiday closure until August 11, 2024

3 July, 2024|Comments Off on Office holiday closure until August 11, 2024

Scheers Advocatuur is closed until August 11, 2024.
No new cases will be accepted during this period, but correspondence in current cases will be processed and, in case of urgency, followed up within 24 hours.

Rights of long-term residents from other EU Member States

19 April, 2024|Comments Off on Rights of long-term residents from other EU Member States

Scheers Advocatuur is regularly asked whether a long-term resident from another EU member state is allowed to stay and work in the Netherlands. This concerns persons with a non-EU nationality who have a long-term resident […]

2024 income requirements, IND application fees and court fees

1 January, 2024|Comments Off on 2024 income requirements, IND application fees and court fees

The 2024 income requirements, IND application fees and court fees:


The most important 2024 income requirements (gross (SV) per month:

To stay with spouse or partner and to work: € 2.069,40 exclusive holiday allowance, € 2.234,95 inclusive […]

Questions about immigration-law?
Call +31 70 353 8385 or mail: