Specialist areas

Scheers Advocacy has the added value being specialized for almost 25 years in regular immigration law and penalty (fines) proceedings under the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Wet arbeid vreemdelingen, Wav). This means that these specific fields of expertise, that are continuously developing, get full attention. Scheers Advocacy has been registered with the Dutch Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten) in the specific field of immigration law. In addition to being a member of the Dutch Bar Association and the Bar Association The Hague mr. Scheers is also affiliated with the Specialist Association of Immigration lawyers (Specialistenvereniging migratierecht advocaten, SVMA), the Dutch Migration Law Foundation (Stichting Migratierecht Nederland, SMN)/ Legal Aid Working Group in immigration cases (Werkgroep Rechtsbijstand vreemdelingen, WRV), the Dutch Association for European law (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Europees recht, NVER) and the Association for Administrative law (Vereniging voor Bestuursrecht, VAR). Scheers Advocatuur thoroughly monitors the developments in these jurisdictions, maintains many good contacts in the network and ensures that this specific knowledge is up to date.

The following areas within immigration law can be considered to be specialty fields: