At the end of last year, the EU Court of Justice ruled that persons with a Chavez right of residence (residence with a Dutch child) can apply for a permanent residence permit as an EU-long-term resident. Where the Netherlands regarded the Chavez right of residence as temporary, the Court ruled that this Chavez right of residence is non-temporary.

The State Secretary has now decided that not only a residence permit as a long-term resident, but also Dutch nationality and a national permanent residence permit can be applied for with a Chavez-right of residence. Persons with a Chavez-right of residence can also act as sponsors if they want to bring a partner or other children to the Netherlands. With these applications, the conditions must of course be met, in the case of permanent residence and Dutch nationality, including five years of lawful residence in the Netherlands and having passed the civic integration examination (unless an exception applies).

For more information about the possibilities, conditions and procedures and advice about the best approach in a specific situation, please contact Scheers Advocatuur.