Obligation to hear before revoking a residence permit or Dutch citizenship
If the IND wants to revoke a residence permit or Dutch citizenship, the IND must hear the person involved. However, it regularly happens that the […]
If the IND wants to revoke a residence permit or Dutch citizenship, the IND must hear the person involved. However, it regularly happens that the […]
The new income requirements, the IND application fees and court fees for 2022 are:
The most important 2022 income requirements (gross (SV) per month excluding holiday […]
The Council of State (‘Raad van State’) ruled in an important “Chavez case” (about EU residence rights of parents who are primary caregivers of Dutch […]
After several fines for violation of the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act (Wav) had been imposed from 2018, a client of Scheers Advocatuur received an intention […]
Scheers Advocatuur will be closed and can not be reached by telephone from 26 July to 6 August and from 16 August to 22 August. […]
The way in which the Netherlands deals with immigrants corresponds to the treatment of the victims of the childcare allowance affair.
After I pointed out this […]
The corona crisis affects the possibilty of traveling abroad. For persons who are already in the Netherlands this could also affect being able to apply […]
For 2021 the new income requirements, the IND application fees and court fees are:
The most important 2020 income requirements (gross (SV) per month excluding holiday […]
As per 1 June 2020 Scheers Advocatuur moves to a new address: Johan de Wittlaan 7, 2517 JR Den Haag.
The other contact details remain the […]
Scheers Advocatuur will keep working
In this corona period Scheers Advocatuur will keep working for you and will remain at your service. Appointments at the office, […]